Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ugly Ornament Party

Yesterday my office held our annual Ugly Ornament Party. My camera is "on the blink" and since I was a relatively new blogger this time last year, I'm re-cycling my post from last year. This year about a dozen ladies attended (both current employees and ones that have left but we still love anyway!). We all brought appetizers and sweets and had a feast! Everyone broke out their most delicious dishes and we all ate WAY too much....but TIS the season.
The picture below of the "disturbing" gnome/flying monkey/scary fairy combo are winners from a few years back. It seems we go in buying cycles and one year many of us brought similar type ornaments. We put a BAN on gnome like creatures....they were just frightening. LOL! These are now our tree toppers...pretty ugly and tacky, huh!

This is an ornament from a few years ago and we all laugh because it resembles and reminds us of one of our male co-worker. But "mum's the word" and we WON'T reveal who we think it looks like! HEHEHE! We've decided "what HAPPENS at the Ugly Ornament Contest....STAYS at the Ugly Ornament contest! Did I mention I work with a BUNCH of REALLY fun ladies???This puppy with a hat on his tail was from this year. It's CUTE but we thought it kinda looked like he was pooping out the hat and the look on his little puppy face is priceless. Oh well...I guess you had to have been there!
This could have been cute, especially on a children's themed tree but the colors were SO garish it was a bit spooky. My camera doesn't do the colors justice!
And what is it about a Gun Cabinet that screams CHRISTmas! However, we all agreed that on a manly tree or a woodsy themed tree this could be cute.
Here's a blush pink mesh crawfish/lobster. If you look closely the eyes are pink pearls and there is a smattering of beads and pearls randomly and haphazardly glued on. We decided this might be a good decoration at a Cajun Wedding.
And what doesn't make you think of evergreen Christmas trees, shiny tinsel and bright colored balls like a heart shaped cow; standing on a beet/radish/pink carrot. Again....he's cute, but CHRISTMAS!?!?
And last, but not least.....OUR FAVORITE! No comment necessary...she's just kitchy, funky, and fun!!!
After adding our favorites from years past, we stepped back and admired our handiwork and announced we had ourselves a FINE little tree....what do ya'll think?
HAPPY HOLIDAYS FELLOW BLOGGERS! Hope all is merry and bright in your world today!


  1. Oh my - I just might have to steal your theme party idea next year. This sounds like my sense of humor. I love that you keep adding the orn's to the tree. Love it!

  2. This sounds like such a good time! How in the world did an ugly ornament party ever get started? Does someone keep all of the ornaments from year-to-year, or does everyone except the winning ornament take their's back home? I need details. I may have to have an UOP next year. laurie

  3. Hi Susan...I'm so glad you posted this...I think it is such a FUN idea...I was going to vote for the UGLY COW until The fat lady popped up...she is the winner for sure! LOL ;-) Bo

  4. Bahaha!! That is too funny!!

    I used to work in a place where we had an Ugly Christmas Sweater contest every year and that was a blast. We'd all find the most horrendous holiday sweater possible.

  5. haha sounds like you all had a fun party, what a great idea!. Kathy

  6. What a fun idea! I found some god awful religious statues at Borders that would have been perfect if they had just been smaller!

  7. ROTFLMAO - a GUN cabinet! hahahaha! Oh my, these are fabulously bad! ;-D

  8. This was so.. funny. What a great idea!! Sounds like fun.

  9. Ohhh my...there are some dooozies but a lot of fun! I kinda like Mr. snowman! Your comment made me laugh! cherry

  10. That's just way to funny!
    But sounds like fun!

  11. I am sitting here grinning ear to ear! what a fun party and you are right, those ornaments are just too much. I think my fav ugly has to be the pink crawfish/lobster or the "woman" at the end. Thanks for the fun idea. Thank you also Susan for your sweet compliments on my blog. :)

  12. Those are interesting ornaments

    I have passed on an award to you

    Merry Christmas

  13. What a fabulous idea!! And I must say y'all have found some winners!! That dog with the cap was truely awful! And the lobster/crayfish! And the chubby lady was plain straight out hilarious!! They're all so bad, I loved em all!!This could be a new holiday tradition for me!! Lol! Vanna

  14. I'm not sure how I missed this post, but it was great! That fat lady would look marvelous with the red hat lamp I found at our Christmas stroll don't you think? What a fun post. Kathy

  15. Just popping in to wish you a Merry Christmas!

    Jan & Tom

  16. What a fun idea for a party! Love the lady in red!

    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas Susan!

  17. I thought I was the only one who did this! I've never had a party, but I've been collecting ugly ornaments for years. My friends all wait with baited breath to see what atrocity I find to add to the collection each year.

  18. Oh My...never realized there were so many REALLY UGLY ornaments out there...guess you don't notice them as much when they are not all together...looks like fun though..along with the ugly Christmas sweater party!!

  19. What a FUN idea! I'm using this next year. Love it!


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